Thursday, May 7, 2015

Pockmarks and Verbal Wounds

Once there was a boy who got hot tempered very often.
When he was angry he always spoke abusive and ad words. One day his father gave him some nails and a wooden pad and said "Drive these nails in to this wooden pad when you get angry, using this hammer". Then he drove thirty nails on the first day. In the second day he drove only twenty two nails. Gradually the number of nails driven were less than the previous day. He considered that keeping anger at the bay is more easier than driving nails in to the wooden pad. One day he didn't need to drive any nails. His farther called him and said "Look, my boy, at the pockmarked pad. The surface will never be smooth as it had. A verbal wound will never be healed even if one offers apology after apology. The scar will remain forever like pockmarks on the pad.

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